

Automate your Accounts Payable with TechnologyOne AP Automation

The management of your accounts payable can require a lot of work, especially if you have many venders or suppliers for your operation. With complex systems, many categories of transactions, and making multiple payments, it can become difficult to ensure that all invoices are properly handled. By adding TechnologyOne accounts payable automation to your system, you can turn your TechnologyOne program into a fully automated system that reduces the time of your invoice processing while also increasing the overall efficiency of your company. Xcellerate IT will help you to fully integrate the TechnologyOne AP automation so that you can maximise the capabilities of your system and remain in compliance.

What Does TechnologyOne Accounts Payable Automation Do?

With TechnologyOne AP automation, you can easily receive all the information for your invoices and organise the data into the correct fields. The system will capture the data, whether it comes in a physical or digital form. It works with scanners, smartphones, tablets, and other forms of data delivery. Once the data has been captured, it is properly managed and organised based upon the parameters of the system. The invoices that require exception handling will automatically be send to the right person. The rest can be automatically processed, ensuring they have been paid and reducing the risk of non-payment, late payment, and paying the wrong amount. Xcellerate IT will install the system and ensure it is fully integrated with TechnologyOne so that you can perform the necessary tasks.

How Does this Help the Company?

Because your invoices and other business processes are handled automatically, your company can run smoother with reduced risk of incompliance. This also reduces the overhead costs of your company. Your staff can spend their time on important tasks, rather than data entry or processing invoices that do not require their attention. TechnologyOne AP automation also sends the data to the right person automatically. Because the information is automatically captured, any errors in the system caused by inaccurate data entry are significantly reduced. Furthermore, it ensures you have all the information you need during any audit, including the ability to easily access records. By streamlining your workflow, you can increase productivity and efficiency, which will help your bottom line. The TechnologyOne experts at Xcellerate IT will ensure that the automated system is fully integrated so that you can still perform all the processes in the system.

TechnologyOne Accounts Payable Automation with Xcellerate IT

For over 20 years, Xcellerate IT has provided automated services to businesses across Australia to streamline workflows and increase efficiency. In addition to accounts payable, their document delivery and capture systems can help to automate other processes including the mailroom, SharePoint data, and more. They have experience working in a variety of industries, including finance, manufacturing, education and healthcare. Their experience has provided them with a reputation as one of the leading companies providing business process automation solutions. Xcellerate IT will help you develop the right solution to link your systems of Records with your Systems of Engagement to reduce your overhead costs and increase productivity.

28 Mar 2017
Author: Xcellerate IT
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Kofax accounts payable accounts payable automation business processes invoice processing lowering costs robotic process automation Xcellerate IT

Xcellerate IT

Xcellerate IT is a leading provider of business process automation solutions. Our document capture and workflow solution compliments and seamlessly integrates with major business applications, empowering organisations to increase productivity and organisational effectiveness by decreasing manual processes.

Get in touch with one of our Business Process Specialists who will work with you to clearly understand your requirements and identify a solution tailored to your business needs.